
This bot uses nsls2forge-utils to update versions of packages automatically at the nsls-ii-forge GitHub organization.

It currently runs on Azure Pipelines on a daily schedule.

The setup and execution scripts can be found at the auto-tick-bot repository on GitHub.

The Process

The auto-tick-bot performs a couple of different steps.

  1. Retrieve the cached version of the dependency graph from auto-tick-graph

  2. Update the graph with any new or updated feedstocks

  3. Get new versions of packages from their sources (PyPI, GitHub, etc.) and update in graph

  4. Perform a dry-run of the version migration and queue packages to be migrated

  5. Perform a full run of the version migration and submit PRs for up to 10 packages per run

  6. Output status of PRs and migrations

  7. Push the changes to the graph back to auto-tick-graph

  8. Clean the current directory

If the bot fails during a run on Azure Pipelines, please remove the current schedule or disable the pipeline until the issue is fixed.


If this process fails at step 5 or 6, there may be multiple pull requests submitted for a single version update for a feedstock. This is because the pr_json object that is created and assigned to the package does not get pushed to the cached auto-tick-graph. Closing or Merging these PRs before the bot runs again is recommended.

Some packages may run into other types of errors. These will be displayed in the log on Azure Pipelines as well as in the version status JSON file.

Do not remove files manually from auto-tick-graph unless you know what you are doing.